Manal grew up in Geneva, Switzerland, and spent her childhood between Switzerland and Algeria. The two very different cultures shaped a lot of who she is, allowing her to mix Swiss efficiency with Algerian warmth and colors.
Her curious mind led her to experience new cultures, new ideas and to push herself by living abroad and studying foreign languages. Manal holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree from the University of St. Gallen, where she studied Business Administration and International Affairs.
During her exchange semester at Harvard University, Manal had her first entrepreneurial experience when she joined fellow students in creating Stellar Analytics. Manal started working at Accenture Strategy, where she fell in love with everything related to tech. After that, her passion for entrepreneurship kicked in again and she started Upmote, a B2B mental health solution. For two years, she managed to put together a brilliant team, despite Covid-19 restrictions, and create a compelling product. She then joined Gorillas , helping the team shape revenue growth and topline streams.
When Manal isn’t working, she will likely be found doing yoga or spending time with friends.